Sunday, June 3, 2012

Camp: Day Two

I'll be unavailable the next few days, so I can't guarantee a blog post every night.

As for last night (Day two), I just barely met my word goal. I was pretty busy that day, and also not feeling so well on top of that. But I scraped by.

Today has been a bit more rough. I've written a total of 28 words in about an hour. I'm exhausted and really just want to go to sleep, but I would like to get as close to my daily word goal as possible. Meh.

- Elizabeth

Today's Total Word Count: 3,412

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Camp: Day One

The first day of Camp NaNoWriMo is finished, and I'm happy to say I've met my daily word goal. I even procrastinated most of the day!

The thing is, I started writing right at midnight, and then finally quit at about 4:00 a.m., having written maybe close to 1,200 words. I didn't start writing again until about 11:00 p.m.

I honestly think the only reason I did so well today is the fact that I had outlined the first chapter. That's really all that I've outlined, though, so I'm not really looking forward to the following days as I try to plan and write everything at the same time. Ick.

- Elizabeth

Today's Word Count: 1,702

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Camp NaNoWriMo

I will be participating in Camp NaNoWriMo this June, so I will be posting every day then instead of March like I had planned. June was already going to be super busy before I signed up for NaNoWriMo, but hopefully it won't be that bad. Thankfully, I've been planning this novel for quite a while and already have a pretty decent outline going. I am a little worried about the small details and the specifics that keep the story flowing. I've got a busy day ahead of me, but I'm hoping to get a bit more outlining done before tomorrow.

Good luck to everyone doing Camp NaNoWriMo!

- Elizabeth

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


There's been a slight change of plans.

I am going to try writing a novel in 30 days again; however, I'm going to delay starting it until March 1st. Also, I've changed which story idea I'll be using for reasons that are important to me but probably not that important to anyone else.

This will be my last post until March 1st, and until then I'll be working out plot details.

- Elizabeth

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wouldn't You Know It

In my last post, I said that, since I didn't have a lot going on right now, I would try to write another novel in a month. I obviously spoke too soon. I have just made plans that will keep me extremely busy this week and most likely unable to be around my computer. I'll have my notebook with me, so maybe I can get something written. Maybe. Or maybe I'll just have to postpone the novel-writing for a week. Either way, I probably won't be posting on here.

I'm going to write a little bit before I go to bed tonight, although I don't really have a set goal in mind. I'm just going to write.

- Elizabeth

Because I Want To

I've been giving this a lot of thought (practically for half a day!) and I decided that, since my schedule isn't all that busy, I wanted to try and write another novel in a month. Except, I'm kind of breaking the rules, but since it's not "official" I figured it was okay.

I've had this story idea in my head for quite a while now, maybe going on a year, and I've finally fleshed the plot out enough that it ACTUALLY MAKES SENSE. Crazy, right? It's extremely different from my NaNoWriMo novel, in that this new idea is kind of Supernatural-y, and also a bit darker. They both have murder and stuff in them, though. That says NOTHING about my current mental state, I promise. I'm actually a very mild, mellow person who enjoys listening to Folk music and watching Disney movies. My imagination is just crazy wild.

Anyways, to try and make this adventure a little bit more formal (and thus make me more motivated) I'm giving myself a deadline. Since I've already started the novel (already on chapter 3! Never mind the fact that chapters haven't been longer than a single page yet), February 8th will be my official start day. To give me a good thirty days to do this, I'll put my end date or deadline or whatever you want to call it as March 9th. My goal will be 50,000 words again.

For me personally, it is a lot harder to stick to something when it's just me doing it. That's one reason why I love NaNoWriMo so much, there's a whole bunch of people toughing it out right along with you. But because I'm kind of doing this challenge thing on my own, I'll be doing a post everyday just like during NaNoWriMo to help keep me on track. So, if anyone is reading this, feel free to drop a comment and make sure I've met my daily word goal. I'll need more than just this blog and my cat to hold me accountable.

And, no, I have not finished my NaNoWriMo novel yet. This is a much-needed break from it.

- Elizabeth

Thursday, January 5, 2012


So it's been over a month since NaNoWriMo, and I would love to say that I have gotten far, and that I have much to show after all this time. Unfortunately, that just isn't the case.

To be honest, I haven't even touched my NaNo novel since the end of November, and I really am quite ashamed. I mean, sure, I could blame that all on my busy schedule (because I really have been joke.) But it wouldn't feel right because it wouldn't be right.

The real reason for avoiding my work-in-progress is because of plot holes. Yep. Plot holes. Nasty things, they are.

The biggest plot hole that has hindered me from completing my novel? Here it is: A character is killed in the story. The whole story revolves around this murder. I have no motive for the murder.

Sigh. Out of all of that plotting and planning I did before November, not once did I think to come up with a logical reason for the character to be killed. I knew who the victim would be and I knew who the killer would be. You'd think that, after all of the crime shows that I watch, I would know to come up with a motive. Alas, that is not the case.

I wrote a little bit in the novel tonight anyways, but I'm going to have to do some MAJOR editing, revising and, yes, plotting in the near future. And I'm already tired just thinking of it.

I hope everyone's novel is still going strong, post-NaNoWriMo!